This website turned one year old earlier this month, and on July 20, it received a really cool birthday present: its 100th original artwork. Inspired by regular FAR-West attendee Jen Hajj’s song Surrealist Art (created for NSH in 2020), Maryland painter and video-maker Seth Holmes came up with a suitably surreal painting. Which, it turns out, is the 100th bit of art, craft, artisanship or poetry submitted to the project.
It’s fitting that Seth and Jen are the painting’s parent and grandparent; both have made multiple contributions to NSH. It also seems fitting that the song and the painting appear on a thread called “The Thread That’s Dedicated To Michael Morales.” Michael was a passionate FAR-West musician and NSH participant who left us far too early in life. Seth’s artwork is below. To go to “The Thread That’s Dedicated To Michael Morales” so you can view the whole thread and hear Jen’s song, click here.
By the way, the song count is at 88 as of this writing. So when twelve more songs come in, we’ll have a new headline to shout out to the world. Let’s move it, musicians!